How does Manglik Dosha get cancelled?

Mangal Dosha is something we've heard about from our parents and astrologers. It's
seen as something terrible. Parents worry when they find out their beloved
children have Mangal Dosha. This makes it hard for them to find marriage
matches. Even people who don't believe in astrology secretly show their
horoscopes to astrologers to see if they have Mangal Dosha. This happens after marriage proposals say no because of thisDosha.

What is Mangal Dosha?

When Mars is in certain houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th) in a person's birth
chart, it creates the Manglik or Mangal dosha. Some astrologers also consider
the formation of Mangal dosha if Mars is placed in the 2nd house of the
horoscope. If Mars is in these places, the person is called a

broken image

Can Manglik Dosha beremoved after marriage?

In astrology, there is a belief that the adverse effects of Manglik Dosha/ Kuja Dosha) can be mitigated over time after marriage. This is because someastrologers believe that the intensity of this Dosha decreases as the person's age increases. Here are a few points to consider:

Age Factor: Some astrologers suggest that as a person ages, the adverse effects of Manglik Dosha may diminish naturally. This means that the Dosha might have lessinfluence on a person's life as they age, reducing its potential challenges.

Remedies: Certain astrological remedies, rituals, and prayersare believed by some to help mitigate the impact of Manglik Dosha. These remedies can be performed both before and after marriage. The effectiveness of these remedies can be subjective and might vary
from individual to individual.

Positive Planetary Placements: Awell-placed Mars in the birth chart might help alleviate the intensity of Manglik Dosha. Benefic influences from other planets
can also help balance the potential negative effects.

Personal Beliefs: Beliefs about astrology and its effects can vary widely. Some individuals strongly believe in the impact of Doshas and take measures to address them, while others might not give them much significance.

Can Mangal Dosha be removed permanently?

The idea of permanently removing Mangal Dosha, a belief in astrology, is debated. Some astrologers suggest remedies like rituals and gemstones to mitigate their effects. Others mention positive planetary placements and the influence of time on reducing its impact. Modern astrology considers various factors and emphasizes a holistic viewpoint.

Cancellation of mangal dosha

Hereare some ways to make Mangal Dosha less important or even cancel its bad
effects. These combinations might help you have a happy marriage:

· Surprisingly, havingMars in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house doesn't always bring harm.

· Mangal Dosha can isremoved if the other partner has Saturn in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th

· Mangal Dosha can iscancelled if Mars is weak, combusts, or under the influence of good planets.

· If a girl hasJupiter in the houses, like Kendra or Trikona, Mangal Dosha can be cancelled.
She might be lucky, smart, and have a son.

· Mangal Dosha can becancelled if Mars is in Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn.

· If Mars is in the 4th house in its exaltation or own sign, Mangal Dosha is cancelled.

· If Mars is with Rahu or if Moon and Venus are in the 2nd house, and Rahu is in the quadrant, Mangal Dosha can be cancelled. If Mars is also affected by Jupiter, it helps.

· Malefic planets in Trik Bhava can cancel Mangal Dosha.

· If Mars is in Aries,Leo, or Aquarius in the first house, Mangal Dosha won't affect you.

· Mars in the 2nd house in Gemini or Virgo can cancel the Dosha.

· In its sign in the 4th house, Mars can save you from Mangal Dosha.

· Mangal Dosha won'tbe a problem if Mars is in the 7th house in Cancer or Capricorn.

· Mars in the 8th house in Sagittarius or Pisces can free you from Mangal Dosha.

· Mangal Dosha can begone if Mars is in the 12th house in Taurus or Libra.

· If Mars is in Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn, Mangal Dosha might not affect you.

· If Venus and Moon are in the 2nd house, Mangal Dosha can be cancelled.

· When Jupiter andVenus are together in Kendra, Mangal Dosha might be cancelled.

· Mangal Dosha can be cancelled if the Moon is in essential places.

You can also know reasons of delay marriage through online astrology report